Music education is a vital part of every child’s educational experience. Not only does music enrich one’s life, but music also provides students opportunities to think critically, creatively, analytically, and provides students an atmosphere in which they are free to express themselves and grow personally. All of these skills are important for everyday life, and it is our goal as a department to have our students enjoy making, creating, and listening to music a part of their lives during and beyond their academic careers.
Mr. Perau's Schedule
Semester 1: 2024-25’ School Year
Period 1 (8:40-9:27): Prep/Vocal Lessons
Period 2 (9:32-10:19): Concert Choir
Period 3 (10:24 - 11:11): Prep/Vocal Lessons
Period 4 (11:16-12:18): Bella Voce
**C LUNCH (12:23-12:48)
Period 5 (12:53-1:40): Mixed Choir
Period 6 (1:45-2:32): 8th Grade Choir
Period 7 (2:37 - 3:24): Hall Duty/8th Choir Lessons